We need to put Hawke’s Bay Chardonnay on the map

We need to put Hawke’s Bay Chardonnay on the map

Convincing the world that Hawke’s Bay Chardonnay is among the world’s best is one of the biggest challenges – and opportunities – for brand New Zealand, says Vidal Estate’s Hugh Crichton. Highlighting the success of the Gimblett Gravels, which has come to be seen as a superior Hawke’s Bay sub-region for Bordeaux grapes and Syrah, the winemaker said a similar sub-regional focus could propel Chardonnay to new heights in the eyes of wine consumers around the world. “That sort of thing is really important from a regional branding point of view,” he explained to db. “Gimblett Gravels is just one sub-region within Hawke’s Bay, but that sort of thing helps to put Hawke’s Bay on the map.

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