WET consultation hits major wine states

WET consultation hits major wine states

The Turnbull Government is holding meetings with representatives from state and regional wine associations and local winemakers as part of its consultation on the implementation of tightened eligibility criteria for the wine equalisation tax (WET) rebate.

Trevor Wicks Memorial

Trevor Wicks made a significant contribution as a plant pathologist to Australian primary industries across a career spanning more than 40 years. Trevor made an enormous contribution to the Australian wine and viticulture industry across several decades, through development and evaluation of many new fungicides and fungicide application programs that revolutionised the viticulture industry.

Can you judge a wine by its label?

We’ve all done it. And don’t try and say you haven’t done it, because you have. Probably many times. I’ve done it on hundreds of occasions – bought a wine because I thought the bottle looked cool. Like Pat Underwood’s 2016 Little Reddie which has a label based on the cover of Sonic Youth’s Goo album.

Much ado about pinot noir

Pinot bloody noir. For a grape so sparsely planted in this country, there are more paeans of adulation per vine penned about pinot than almost any other grape variety. Even riesling, and that’s saying something.

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